1. How many treatments will you need?The number of treatments will depend on the color you wish to achieve. Whitening procedures will be repeated on a scheduled basis to maintain and rejuvenate your smile. Though most people will notice a big difference after a treatment, additional treatments may be necessary to achieve the sparkling white teeth you desire.
2. How long will the results last?
The result varies from person to person. Particular food and drinks, as well as other factors, may affect the longevity of your results. If between visits you continue to use the whitening pen, it may affect the durability as well.
3. Is teeth whitening safe?
Yes, it is. When teeth are normal and healthy, there will be no apparent adverse effects on the tooth's enamel.
4. What causes tooth discoloration?
- Aging
- Smoking
- Ingestion of dark pigmented food and drink such as coffee, tea, cola, and red wine
5. Are there any side effects?
Only a few of them may experience a slight tingling sensation during the treatment. Once you rinse, the tingling subsides.
6. Does teeth whitening work for everyone?
We don't recommend the whitening procedure for:
- Individuals with stained teeth because of certain medications or decalcification
- Those who were born with grayish teeth
- Pregnant or nursing women
- Children under 14
7. Will teeth whitening affect my dental work?
It will not whiten:
- Crowns
- Fillings
- Veneers
- Other dental work
But the process does not adversely affect these structures as well.
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